'The Walking Dead' Season 7: Sasha killed Negan (Video Leaked)

With just three episodes left to go before what will most likely be a devastating finale, The Walking Dead season seven seems like it's going full steam ahead in its next episode.

The first trailer for 'The Other Side' has been released with the spotlight placed upon the folk currently residing at the Hilltop Colony.

This doesn't mean that's where te entire episode will occur, however, as it looks as if we'll see the outcome of Sasha and Rosita's 'suicide mission' to assassinate Negan at the Sanctuary.

Fans will also be catching up with Daryl (Norman Reedus) who headed to Hilltop after absconding the Kingdom a few weeks back - terrifyingly, he's not the only one who's headed for there: mustachioed Saviour Simon (Steven Ogg) will also make an appearance on the hunt for Negan's former prisoner. 

Making matters even tenser is the fact that The Saviours believe the Hilltop's de facto leader Maggie (Lauren Cohan) to be dead - only she's very much alive and helping Daryl hide.