By now, we all know that Sasha is probably a goner on The Walking Dead, right? Actress Sonequa Martin-Green has taken the lead role on CBS All Access’s upcoming Star Trek: Discovery, which we’re guessing won’t leave Martin-Green much time to walk among the undead.
On Sunday night, The Walking Dead might have given Sasha fans even more confirmation of her impending demise. Perhaps more interestingly, it looks like Rosita might now be in danger, too. More discussion ahead, but first, your usual spoiler alert.
So. In addition to Martin-Green’s interstellar gig, there’s already a related theory going around that Sasha will inherit the storyline of comics character Holly, who (comics spoilers) fell in love with Abraham and became hell-bent on avenging him after his death—leading her attack Negan, ultimately get captured, and return to the group as a walker.
On Sunday night, Rosita approached Sasha with a roughly laid plan—kill Negan, basically—and a sniper rifle. In the comics, Holly attacked with a group including Rick and Ezekiel, so this would definitely be a looser adaptation. But it still seems fairly possible that Sasha could kick the bucket in a similar fashion.
But what about Rosita? Sadly, she’s been marked for ages—especially this season, with Abraham out of the picture and her character developing just enough to make us miss her when she’s gone. It’s a move Walking Dead loves to pull; just ask Beth Greene.
Now, it seems Rosita might be next to go. Which is too bad, because for the record, Christian Serratos has only grown more charismatic as the season has progressed, offering not only believable emotional turmoil, but also some solid comic relief. There’s always a chance that Rosita will be spared, but given how this week’s installment ended, it looks like both characters are in the line of fire—and both of them know that, as well.
“I’m ready to kill him,” Sasha told Rosita, “but I need to make sure you know what this means.”
“Do you?“ Rosita asked.
“They can’t catch us alive. If they do, we give them something.”
“It’s a one-way ticket for both of us,” Rosita said. “If it is both of us.”
Sasha’s reply? “It is.”