Aaron's boyfriend Eric, Hilltop guard Kal, and Shiva the tiger better watch out, because they all die during the all-out war in the comics.
There will undoubtedly be other casualties along the way. The comics version of Richard dies, but in the TV series he's already dead, which means somebody else close to Ezekiel will probably bite it in his place (please let it not be Jerry!).
If the show plans to take out a major character, Morgan could very well be in trouble.
Lennie James's character is currently outliving his comics counterpart, so offing him would be no problem. Furthermore, with Rick's determination to kill Negan, something has to change for the Alexandria leader to spare him instead.
This is where Morgan could come in, with his "life is precious" philosophy.
Obviously he's turned away from it in recent episodes, but it wouldn't surprise us if he inspires Rick to not take Negan's life – and lock him up in the jail cell that Morgan built.