Andrew Lincoln, who stars as Rick Grimes, has promised fans that they will be “satisfied” with the closing episode of series seven, hinting that the Alexandrians could finally be free from Negan.
Speaking to Entertainment Weekly about what fans can expect from the final instalment and how it was to film, he noted: “There’s a palpable sense of energy and excitement in that final episode.
“I think that the crew felt it, this sort of brilliancy. And it was weird because it was the end of a long season and yet everybody was sort of chomping at the bit to keep going. I’ve never felt that before in the show.”
“Everybody was like, ‘Yeah, darn it, let’s do season eight now!’” the actor continued. “It was a really unique situation and everybody felt it.
“So I think if we get it right, it will be an incredibly satisfying ending to season seven.”
Does this mean that fans will be satisfied to see the end of the masochistic leader of the Saviors?
Fans will have to wait until episode 16 to find out what the future holds for the Alexandrians but the title and synopsis for the instalment hints at “all out war”.
The episode will be entitled The First Day of the Rest of your Life, which appears to bring the season round in a neat circle after the last season’s finale was named Last Day on Earth.
“The stakes continue to grow higher as paths cross; the groups enacts an intricate plan,” the synopsis reads, hinting that the Alexandrians will finally fight their greatest enemy.
Meanwhile, show runner Scott M. Gimple has promised viewers that they can expect a variety of flavours from the cliffhanger free ending.
“It is everything and the kitchen sink,” he said. “It is exciting and it’s very emotional and I believe it’s funny in a couple of parts, and it builds and builds and builds and it explodes.
“It is really just a huge episode in as much as it has all of the flavours of this season. It is taking your cup and going down each soda jet and taking a little from each one and then throwing in some hot sauce, a little bit of lime, and then maybe a tiny bit of tequila, as well.”